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We accept donations from businesses or individuals.
We are happy to make a special mention in our social media of businesses with multiple donations.
You can donate a device or you can donate money to help buy parts (Contact us)
We accept laptops that are not physically broken or damaged by liquids
The device should ideally have a charger and be less than 10 years old, but if you don't have a charger or are not sure of the age we will still take it.
We also accept All-in-One computers, phones and tablets but we do not accept desktops/towers. We don't accept peripherals (printers, screens, keyboard, mouse, etc) but we are happy to accept bags or cases if they are in reasonable condition.
For laptops and All-inOne devices, we remove the disks (where all the data is stored) and destroy them. We do this via a Tech Recycle company The data is completely and irretrievably eradicated and the destruction process meets or exceeds many internationally recognised standards. A data destruction certificate is provided at the end of the process.
Because of this, you don't need to provide us with any password to the device either.
For phone and tablets, the only way we can wipe the data is by resetting the device. You can do this before donating by following a vendor guide. Example: iPhone & Android
All laptops and All-InOne devices will be equipped with 8GB of RAM and an SSD disk. This, in other words, will ensure the device is performing at a very reasonable level.
Batteries will also be tested, and if they can't hold any charge they will be replaced.
The operating system installed will usually be Windows, 10 or 11 depending on the compatibility of the device.
When a device is not capable of running with 8GB or RAM or does not have a Windows license, we install Google Chrome Flex, a free and light operating system that still allows the device to be used for simple internet browsing and running Google apps.
We have a network of local council service providers, trusts and charities that contact us with requests for their clients. Most of these clients are people in great need and they require a device for studying, job seeking, remote working, etc.
We also accept requests from individuals as long as we can determine that there is a genuine need.
We do not charge for our services or for the devices.
The devices don’t have a warranty and our service does not include IT support. However, if the device stops working shortly after you have received it we are happy to exchange it for another.
We also provide some Cyber Security advice for the device recipients to make sure they are safe when using their devices.
Individuals & families - NCSC.GOV.UK
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